First Scientific Symposium on Science and Arts

Applied College in Rejal Almaa invites you with an immense pleasure to the First Scientific Symposium on Science and Arts: Current Trends and Challenges (S3A2022). The main aim of this event is to gather scientific engineers, academicians and industry personnel to discuss various topics of computer science and its emerging technologies. The S3A2022 is a non-profit scientific event; and it includes plenary lectures and keynote lectures by prominent personalities. The keynote speakers will exchange their experiences and innovative ideas by delivering state-of-the-art lectures. The symposium invites posters / innovative working models in the domain of science and technology (Current trends and challenges). The venue of the scientific forum S3A2022 is at Applied College in Rejal Alma'a October 25 -26, 2022.

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For submission, send your poster / working model to the symposium official email: [ ] 1- Add title "S3A2022 submission [Title of your work]" to your email. 2- Attach the poster following the template: 3- Attach a word document following for your work to be included in the printed proceedings:
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